Miguel Murga Guevara

Full Stack Developer | Electronics & Telecom Engineer | Industry 4.0 Enthusiast

Enthusiastic Full Stack Developer specialized in Nuxt 3, Vue 3, and Python. Electronics & Telecom Engineer with a passion for Industry 4.0. Quick learner and effective leader, experienced in customer service and education.

Professional Experience

Full Stack Developer, Harlan Research Hari Harlan Online

Specializing in advanced solutions using Nuxt 3, Vue 3, VueRouter, Pinia, TypeScript, Tailwind, and Elixir.


Student Internship, BMW Group, Coapa CDMX

Served as an Electronic Technician at BMW Coapa, focusing on various technical aspects in a full-time role from January.

Internship, Universidad Politécnica de Puebla, Puebla, México

Participated in two professional internships under Professor Javier Lemus López, focusing on 'Operational Amplifiers' and 'IoT as the present solution for precautionary measures, such as controlling people's access at a location using QR code-based access traffic lights'.

Freelancer, CIEX, Acapulco de Juárez

Experienced in customer service and system enhancement using Excel, Access, Word, and JavaScript.

Math Teacher, CEMYC, Acapulco de Juárez

Passionate about teaching math and English, utilizing strong communication and instructional skills.


University Image

Electronic and Telecommunications Engineer, Universidad Politecnica de Puebla (August 2018 - April 2023)

Ethical Hacking Course Image

Ethical Hacking Course, IEEE Credentialing Program (September 2023 - January 2024)

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Diploma in Data Science, ITPE Mérida (September 2020 - December 2020)


Basic and Intermediate SolidWorks Technician, CECATY 83, Ciudad Juárez (August 2020 - March 2021)


Nuxt.js: Universal Applications with Vue.js - Udemy

Learn Vue 3, Vite, VueRouter, Vuetify, Pinia, and TypeScript - Udemy

ESP8266 & Micro Python for Internet of Things - Udemy

Elixir and Phoenix: Real World Functional Programming - Udemy

Node-RED and ESP32 Project - Udemy

Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Programming (STM32) - Udemy

Hobbies: 3D Printing, 3D craft

Interests: Industry 4.0, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Embedded Systems, and Robotics